Global entities find their footing in Japan’s market for SDGs
Inspired by the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations,
Japan is laying the foundations for next-generation solutions to the most-pressing challenges in society.
Transformation of society brought about by
adaptation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and more
The SDGs are expected to spur innovation across society.
Promotion of the SDGs due to pressing global challenges and a need for collaborative solutions
In this section, we focus on the Japanese government’s actions to realize the SDGs and promote Society 5.0 through public-private partnerships, as well as their impact on the economy.
The Eight Priorities set by the government
Promotion of Society 5.0 through public-private partnership to realize the SDGs
Economic benefits of realizing the SDGs
Data healthcare to promote mental and physical wellbeing
In this section, we focus on the data healthcare industry market, sharing examples of public-private partnerships, collaborations between foreign and Japanese companies, and solutions to health-related issues, such as an aging society, mental health, and lifestyle-related diseases.
Overview of social concerns—challenges around longevity and mental wellbeing
Technologies and market trends that contribute to solving the issues—data health planning, health management, public-health record (PHR) services
Cases of public-private partnerships and collaboration between foreign and Japanese companies
Implementation of new transit services to solve mobility challenges
In this section, we focus on the market for new mobility services, sharing examples of public-private partnerships, collaborations between foreign and Japanese companies, as well as solutions to challenges in the transportation sector, such as the increasing number of vulnerable road users, traffic congestion in urban areas, and more.
Overview of social issues—growing mobility challenges
Technology and market trends that contribute to solving these issues—CASE technologies, MaaS platforms, and more
Cases of public-private partnerships and collaboration between foreign and Japanese companies
Next-generation technologies to mitigate natural disasters and aging infrastructure
In this section, we focus on the market for solving challenges around infrastructure aging and disaster prevention systems using next-generation technologies, sharing examples of public-private partnerships, collaboration between foreign and Japanese companies, as well as solutions for disasters, maintaining infrastructure functions in the face of climate change, and more.
Overview of social issues—large-scale natural disasters, aging infrastructure
Technology and market trends contributing to problem solving these challenges such as sensing and image processing solutions, drones, and more
Cases of public-private partnerships and collaboration between foreign and Japanese companies
Market Report (full version)
Global entities find their footing in Japan’s market for SDGs
Government Initiatives
Addressing Challenges 1 People - Data healthcare to promote mental and physical wellbeing
Addressing Challenges 2 Prosperity - Implementation of new transit services to solve mobility challenges
Addressing Challenges 3 Planet - Next-generation technologies to mitigate natural disasters and aging infrastructure
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