JETRO Topics
3rd JETRO Invest Japan Networking Event
November 2018
On November 29, JETRO held the 3rd JETRO Invest Japan Networking Event. First held in April 2016, on this occasion it was joined by 154 business people from 119 foreign-affiliated companies as well as 91 people relevant to foreign embassies, overseas government-affiliated organizations, Japanese organizations and agencies and local governments. The aim of the event is to expand the network between foreign-affiliated companies, foreign organizations, the Japanese government, local governments and JETRO, and this fiscal year JERO set up booths for local governments to promote their attractiveness. JETRO also took advantage of the opportunity to deepen understanding of projects to promote investment by the government and JETRO with an introduction of "JETRO Invest Japan Report 2018," which was published on the same day.
The event began with a video which took a look back at JETRO’s FDI promotion projects from 15 years ago and today. In his greeting that followed, JETRO Chairman and CEO Hiroyuki Ishige introduced "JETRO Invest Japan Report 2018," which concerned innovation by foreign-affiliated companies. He also explained the collaboration between JETRO and local governments toward drawing investment from overseas companies to local regions in Japan.

VIPs photo session
State Minister of the Cabinet Office Ryosei Tanaka emphasized how important FDI is for revitalization of the Japanese economy and how it is greatly welcomed by the Abe administration. Furthermore, in addition to the reform conducted by the government such as the reduction of the effective corporate tax rate, he introduced the Support Program for Regional Foreign Direct Investment in Japan established in May, and expressed his hope for investment into the country’s local regions.
State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yoshihiro Seki stated that Japan has been engaged in reforming regulations in order for the country to be "the most business-friendly country in the world,” and introduced the "regulatory sandbox framework" set up this year. He also explained the efforts the Japanese government has been making such as through the Regional Business Conference (RBC) program launched with the aim of advertising the allure of local Japanese regions.
Belgian Ambassador Gunther Sleeuwagen extended his hopes for the establishment of a cooperative framework between Europe and Japan based both on the Japan-EU EPA, which will enter into force in 2019, and the Japan-EU SPA, while expressing his expectation that the establishment of the framework will be a catalyst for the facilitation of globalization and two-way investment.
During the network session, visitors freely became acquainted with each other and, at the local government booths, measures for inviting foreign companies and the investment environment were introduced and specialties unique to local regions were served. Comments from participants included, "As many local governments were gathered in one place, it was easy for us to hear useful information," and "It was an excellent opportunity to communicate with representatives of overseas government-affiliated organizations without needing any appointments, as well as to expand our network.

Network session

Local government booths
Outline of 3rd JETRO Invest Japan Networking Event
Date and time | Thursday, November 29, 2018, 18:00 - 19:30 |
Venue | JETRO Headquarters, 5th Floor, Exhibition Hall and Conference Room A - C |
Organizer | Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) |
Participants | 245 people (154 people from 119 foreign companies and 91 people from foreign-affiliated institutions) |
Program |