JETRO Topics
MOU signed with Kwansei Gakuin University
December 2015
On December 1, JETRO signed a memorandum of understanding with the Kwansei Gakuin University. This is the third comprehensive agreement JETRO concluded with a higher education institution in Japan and the first with a private college.
The Kwansei Gakuin University, which celebrated its 125th anniversary last year, was selected as one of the globalized universities under the 2014 Top Global University Project by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In this project, the university is involved in international activities and hands-on learning courses (learning in practice such as internship and field works).
Utilizing its global network consisting of 73 overseas offices in 54 countries, JETRO will cooperate in the internship programs implemented by the university for Japanese students in other countries and students in Japan from abroad, with the aim to help develop global business people, globalize Japanese companies and enhance the international competitiveness. JETRO’s overseas offices will offer support for study trips and field works in their countries to be organized through seminars of the university. Collaboration will also be promoted in interlibrary access between the JETRO Institute of Developing Economies (IDE) and the university as well as in building networks by establishing overseas bases.
Furthermore, after students from abroad return to their home countries, they are expected to cooperate in projects to increase direct investment from their countries into Japan and in activities to facilitate overseas expansion of Japanese companies, through JETRO’s overseas offices.
The Kwansei Gakuin University and JETRO will contribute to globalizing the economy of the Kansai Region by jointly conducting research and study, holding symposiums, seminars, lectures and workshops, and widely disseminating the results to the regional economy.

MOU signing ceremony