JETRO Topics
Business Forum in Turkey with Prime Ministers of Turkey and Japan
November 2015
During the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Turkey for the G20 Summit Meeting, JETRO organized the Turkey-Japan Business Forum in Istanbul together with the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) of Turkey.
Turkey-Japan Business Forum (November 14)
The forum attracted approximately 570 attendees from major Turkish companies as well as Japanese firms and organizations interested in business with Turkey. In his opening remarks, JETRO Chairman and CEO Hiroyuki Ishige emphasized the geopolitical advantage of the republic, while pointing out the as-yet small inflow of Japanese products and technologies to its market. He expressed his expectation for this forum to help further expand business between the two countries.
In his guest speech, PM Abe said “I am sure that Japanese companies and their technologies will contribute greatly to many infrastructure projects as we move toward 2023, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey”. In response to him, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu expressed his commitment to make the country more attractive as an investment destination to establish stronger ties with Japan.

Opening remarks by Chairman Ishige

Guest speech by PM Abe
MOUs signed with DEIK and MUSIAD
During the forum, JETRO concluded memorandums of understanding with DEIK, which is a trade and investment promotion organization of Turkey, and the Independent Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (MUSIAD), which is a private economic organization, in the presence of both prime ministers.
Based on these MOUs, JETRO will dedicate itself to implementing activities to strengthen economic exchange between Turkey and Japan.

(From right) MUSIAD President Nail Olpak, Turkish PM Davutoğlu, Japanese PM Abe and Chairman Ishige

Scene of venue