Open for Professionals
Companies Interested in Highly-Skilled Foreign ProfessionalsISBMaketing,LTd.
Creating a better future via Marketing & IT
We help businesses succeed by solving their marketing challenges.
In order to expand our services to overseas companies in the future, we are looking for a wide range of overseas talent. Because we are planning to expand our business mainly in English-speaking countries, we are looking for people with native-level English as well as knowledge of the culture and business practices of English-speaking countries.
Internal communication is in Japanese, so we expect applicants to be able to speak Japanese at a daily conversational level or above. And no prior knowledge of marketing or information security is required, as we thoroughly train new hires after they join the company. Upon joining, we would like new hires to experience attending meetings and preparing documents and then to move up to planning and project promotion.
The company has an open corporate culture, with opportunities for free exchange of ideas using open and internal exchanges through off-site meetings. There are some long-term interns at the company, and they actively exchange opinions and share their learning with us, just as full-time employees do.
We also have volunteers with experience in assisting international students in their daily lives, and we strive to provide flexible support for overseas personnel.
Come work with us! We look forward to working with everyone.
to Hire Yes
Only English
Skills Required
Role Expected of Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals
- Bridge Builder with Foreign Enterprises, such as in Expanding Overseas (Bridging Resource)
- Innovation and Planning from the Perspective of People Overseas
- Management or Research & Development for Domestic Business Using Specific Professional Knowledge
Required Persons
- Humanities (Language)
- Humanities (Sales/Marketing)
- Professional Service
- Communication and Information and Software
Business Content
We are a marketing service provider specializing in the B2B and technology sectors.
We offer six business services: content marketing, to support clients by creating sales promotion materials and content; public relations support, to improve corporate
and product recognition; marketing research, to investigate markets and to benchmark company trends; website development, to improve business results; marketing advisory services, to better fit management issues; and marketing education, to develop marketing personnel.
We are particularly strong with tech companies and contribute to the business success of a wide range of companies, from startups and mid-sized companies to large corporations. We conduct thorough interviews so as to "visualize" the issues faced by client companies and to then search for solutions.
Because we handle corporate information on a daily basis, we provide in-house training on legal compliance, data handling, and sustainability, and this has earned us the trust of our clients.
Based on our experience in supporting PR activities for tech startups in the U.S. and Europe, we would like to provide marketing support to a wide range of foreign companies entering the Japanese market in the future.
Countries/Areas of Interest
- Asia as a whole
- North America as a whole
- Europe as a whole
See more details

3-21 Kandanishiki-cho Chiyoda Tokyo 101-0054
Tel : 03-4434-5227
Company Info
Number of employees:4 people
Year of establishment:February 2014