Open for Professionals
Companies Interested in Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionalssabaeindustry
Labor-saving/automation equipment professionals supplying custom-made equipment nationwide in Japan
We manufacture custom-made, mass-produced equipment to support mass-produced products by enabling labor-saving/automation.
We are looking for people to be assembly engineers at our Equipment Manufacturing Department due to an increase in orders from domestic and overseas companies following the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ideally, candidates will have experience and knowledge of mechanical assembly, such as via a university engineering degree. It is better if candidates can communicate in Japanese and can also speak English, as there are opportunities for overseas business trips.
After joining the company, new hires will experience and learn the assembly of equipment one by one. As many of our products are custom made, new hires will be able to gain daily experience in creating new products. Once new hires become able to assemble equipment well, we would like them to go to customer sites in Japan and overseas and to ask them to install and maintain equipment. Also, we have Vietnamese personnel playing an active role at our company as control design engineers. And at our company, we also hold cherry blossom viewing events, barbecues, and company retreats to promote interaction. In addition, the company actively conducts in-house club activities such as involving robotics and mountain climbing, allowing employees to maintain a good work-life balance.
to Hire Yes
Only English
Skills Required
Role Expected of Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals
- Bridge Builder with Foreign Enterprises, such as in Expanding Overseas (Bridging Resource)
- Innovation and Planning from the Perspective of People Overseas
- Management or Research & Development for Domestic Business Using Specific Professional Knowledge
Required Persons
- Sciences (Technical Sales)
- Sciences (Engineering)
- Sciences (Research & Development)
- General Machinery
- Precision Machinery
- Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries
Business Content
Headquartered in Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, Japan, our company manufactures custom-made, labor-saving/automation equipment. We design, develop, and manufacture various kinds of labor-saving equipment, automation equipment, and related equipment from scratch upon receiving orders from companies. Most of our customers are major publicly listed electronic component manufacturers, but we also receive orders from all kinds of industries. We offer a wide range of services, from one-of-a-kind products tailored to customer requirements to the manufacture of repeat and mass-produced equipment. We have installed a substantial amount of machining equipment capable of special machining, and based on our experience and track record to date, we are confident that we can meet the various labor-saving/automation equipment needs of our customers. We have experience in manufacturing small-to-large equipment and have delivered successfully to factories throughout Japan. We have an affiliated company in Suzhou, China, and a partner company in Hanoi, Vietnam, with whom we are constantly collaborating. We also deliver products to the overseas factories of domestic companies and local companies in the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and other countries.
As the COVID-19 epidemic settles down and as the number of orders from domestic and foreign companies is increasing, we have high expectations for future economic trends.
Countries/Areas of Interest
- Singapore
- Thailand
- China
- Philippines
- Vietnam
See more details

710simokobata-cho Sabae-City Fukui 916-0038
Tel : 0778-51-7744
Company Info
Number of employees:90 people
Year of establishment:April 1989