Lagos International Trade Fair 2022 Application Form

Japan Pavilion at Lagos International Trade Fair 2022

Application Form


 Please fill in blanks below and submit.


 ※This form will time out within 1 hour, so even though you have not finished it yet, 

 please press "submit" to continue this form.


◆◇Application Deadline◇◆ 

Thursday, August 25th, 2022 at 9:00 (Nigerian time)



◆◇Company/Organization Profile◇◆

Name in English (Required)
Location of Headquarter (Country) (Required)
(e.g. NIGERIA)

Location of Headquarter (City)


(e.g. Lagos)
Company Website (URL) (Required)
Area of Business (Required)
Type of Business (Required)

◆◇If you choose "Overseas Japanese Company" above, please answer the questions below.◇◆

Capital of Japan Head Office


(e.g. 1,000,000 USD) ※Please write a unit of currency.
Investment Ratio by Japan Head Office (Required)
(e.g. 50%)

Sales of Exhibits Last 1 Year


(e.g. 1,000 Billion USD)※Please write a unit of currency.
Sales of Exhibits toward Nigeria Last 1 Year (Required)
(e.g. 1,000 Billion USD)※Please write a unit of currency.

◆◇If you choose "Overseas Agency" above, please answer the questions below.◇◆

Sales of Exhibits toward Nigeria Last 1 Year (Required)
(e.g. 1,000 Billion USD) ※Please write a unit of currency.
Is this the first time that you have applied for the Japan Pavilion at Lagos International Trade Fair?  (Required)

If you choose "Yes" above, please answer the questions below.

(1) "Agency Agreement" 
Please submit a document or a certified copy that provide you have the Agency Agreement of your product to exhibit. 

(2) Japanese Manufacturer Information
Please provide details of the Japanese manufacturer or the Japanese export trading company who is authorized by the Japanese manufacturer.
JETRO will contact them to confirm if you have the Agency Agreement of your product to exhibit.

(1) Upload "Agency Agreement" (Required)
(e.g. File Name:JETRO)
(2)-1 Japanese Manufacturer
Company Name (Required)

(2)-2 Japanese Manufacturer
<Person in Charge>


(2)-3 Japanese Manufacturer

<Person in ChargeE-mail


◆◇Person in Charge of the Exhibition◇◆
※Please fill in the information of the person who contacts directly with JETRO regarding the Exhibition.

<Person in Charge>Name

<Person in Charge>Department (Required)
<Person in Charge>Title
(e.g. Chief)

<Person in Charge>E-mail


<Person in Charge>TEL (with Country Code "+XX")

(e.g. +234-1-454-7643)

<Person in Charge>Zip Code


<Person in Charge>Country

(e.g. NIGERIA)

<Person in Charge>City

(e.g. Ikoyi, Lagos)

<Person in Charge>Street/House Number

(e.g. 2A Osborne Road)

<Person in Charge>Building

(e.g. 1st Floor, (Road Wing), Foreshore Towers)
◆◇Representative Responsible for Application to the Exhibition◇◆

※Please fill in the information of the person who have the responsibility to sign the participation contract.






(e.g. Director)

◆◇Products Information◇◆

Products Details (Required)
(e.g. Automobile, Instant Foods, etc.)
Products or Technology you would like to introduce at the Exhibition (Required)
(e.g. Customizable Water Supply System with Remote Monitoring Device)
Types of Exhibits (Required)

*Multiple Selections Possible

Real Machines (Contents/Size/power/voltage etc...) *Detailed


(e.g. Water Supply System: 100mm x 200mm x 250mm)

Models ( Contents/Size etc...)  *Detailed


(e.g. Water Supply System: 100mm x 200mm x 250mm)

Panels (Contents/Number of Panels & Size) *Detailed


(e.g. Introduction of Heat Treatment Technology: 2 of A1 Size Panels)

VTR (Contents) *Detailed


(e.g. Company PR/Introduction of New Technology)

Printed Matter (Contents/Types) *Detailed


(e.g. English Company Brochures)

◆◇Press Release Information◇◆

Company Name on Display Board (Required)

Japanese Brand Name

Upload "Logo Data" (Required)JPEG or PNG data (300dpi and or more)

(e.g. File Name:JETRO)
Products Website in English (URL) (Required)

◆◇Application [General fees]◇◆
※Please enter the number of booth(s). One Booth = 3m*3m (9

Standard Booth
*If you apply raw space, please leave the column blank.


Booth(s)  *247,000 NGN/Booth

Raw Space
-accepted min. 4 booths (36


Booth(s)  *196,000 NGN/Booth

Have you read through "Exhibition Guidelines" and "Participation Regulations" for the JETRO Trade Fair? 

Confirmation (Required)

◆◇Application Form/Letter of Acceptance◇◆
Please download the "Application Form/Letter of Acceptance" from URL below, fill out, stamp, convert to PDF, and upload. (two copies)

Upload "Application Form/Letter of Acceptance” HERE (Required)
(e.g. File Name:JETRO)

This information will be used for internal usage only, For details, see JETRO's Privacy Policy.